The Real Eastside Story Season 1. Narrated by C-Murder
The origin of the Diablo Ep.2 Starring T-Rok Narrated by C-Murder
Season 1,
Episode 2
One of the hardest acts to ever come from the eastside speaks on his journey to becoming legendary. Notoriously known abroad as one of the eastsides authentic original gangsters; T-Rok speaks on life growing up as he made in mark on the rap scene.
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The Real Eastside Story Season 1. Narrated by C-Murder
The origin of the Diablo Ep.2 Starring T-Rok Narrated by C-Murder
Season 1,
Episode 2
One of the hardest acts to ever come from the eastside speaks on his journey to becoming legendary. Notoriously known abroad as one of the eastsides authentic original gangsters; T-Rok speaks on life growing up as he made in mark on the rap scene.
Director: George T. Spear Jr
Starring: T-Rok